CV Mitra Utama Niaga memberikan beberapa solusi dalam bidang Teknologi Informatika, dukungan yang dapat diberikan antara lain adalah
ALFRESCO Document Management System, Record Management System dan Workflow,
DOKMEE Capture,
Software-software lainnya.
Document Management System & Workflow.
Alfresco adalah produk web-based application yang meliputi document management, records management, workflow dan web content management.
Streamlining the Conversion from paper to Digital.
Divide Tasks & Manage Workload
Centralized Project Management
Ensure Quality & Accuracy
Automated Data Capture
Process Load Balancing
Understand Your ROI
Odoo is the best management software to run a company.
With 10.000+ apps in, Odoo covers all your business needs in a one-stop solution: no more interfaces between different software required. Odoo apps are perfectly integrated to each others, allowing you to fully automate your business processes.